Receive Support After a Diagnosis

Having a strong relationship with your primary care physician is important, but there are times when extra care and attention is needed. As a feature of your medical benefits, Honeywell offers you and your covered family members additional support through Medical Ally when you need it most.

Watch a video to learn more.

Learn how healthcare can be less complicated.

Quality cancer support

When facing a cancer diagnosis, quality care is crucial. As a Honeywell employee, if you or a household member is newly diagnosed with cancer, call Medical Ally for support.

Participants who complete the program, are enrolled in the Honeywell Medical Plan, and have a Honeywell health savings account (HSA) will receive $500 in their HSA to assist with the cost of their care, if eligible. 

You will receive medical guidance from a leading cancer doctor and an experienced cancer nurse who will create a customized quality care plan.

Learn more about cancer screenings and care.

Learn how Medical Ally helped a Futureshaper who received a cancer diagnosis.

Surgery decision support

Hearing that you need to have surgery can be overwhelming. If your doctor has suggested one of the surgical procedures listed below, Medical Ally helps minimize the stress so you can focus on feeling better.

  • Knee replacement
  • Hip replacement
  • Hysterectomy
  • Low-back procedures
  • Bariatric surgery

Second opinions are important

That’s why Honeywell wants anyone having one of these surgeries to consult with Medical Ally. You will have the opportunity to learn about different treatment options – and you may be eligible to receive $400. Note: You must start the program at least 30 days before a planned surgery date. Emergency procedures do not qualify for the incentive, and other restrictions may apply.

Get more information about the Medical Ally Surgery Decision Support benefit.

Chronic condition support

Medical Ally provides decision support for many chronic medical concerns. A representative will work closely with you to discuss your diagnosis and provide you with physician-reviewed resources, including treatment options, questions to ask your doctor, second opinions, and recommendations for quality specialists and hospitals.

Contact Medical Ally

They are available Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. CST, at 888-361-3944 when you receive any of these diagnoses.  
You may also visit Medical Ally online. Note: You will need to register if you haven’t already. The company code is: Honeywell.

What your colleagues are saying

I used the program twice and my favorite feature was the second opinion they provide. It can take a lot of time to find a second doctor and tests and all that goes into getting a second opinion...but Consumer Medical (former name for Medical Ally) takes care of all that. A detailed written analysis of the diagnosis and treatment plan, along with recommendations, is delivered a few weeks later. I also used their service of rating doctors... and they also provided all kinds of written documentation on the cancers. I used all of this and found it helpful. It is very comforting to have this with such a difficult diagnosis as cancer. - Karl Nelson